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November 2021 Newsletter
CEO COMMENTARY IS ANYONE LISTENING? With COP26, the United Nations Climate Change Conference underway, I, like so many others, am asking the question, “Is anyone listening?”. For many parts of the world today, the effects of climate change are not 10 years...
October 2021 Newsletter
OCTOBER 2021 NEWSLETTERCEO MARKET COMMENTARY This Monday, the world celebrated Animal Welfare Day, and there could not be a more important time to be considering the importance of the intersection between man and wildlife. Given the tragedy of Covid 19, we all...
Sustainability in Islamic Finance
Kurt Lieberman has been asked by Islamic Finance news to author a monthly column. Each column will cover an aspect of sustainability, governance and Islamic finance. Each column below was first published in Islamic Finance news. Read the March 2019 post: Greater...
Company News
ESGX 55 with Jane Goodall – The Book Of Hope: A Survival Guide For Trying Times
ESGX 55The Book Of Hope: A Survival Guide For Trying Times 5th October (6th October in APAC) Americas: 10am PDT | 11am MDT | Noon CDT | 1pm EDT | Brazil 2pm Africa: 6pm West | 7pm South | 8pm EastEurope: 6pm UK | 7pm West | 8pm East APAC: 1am China | 2am Japan | 3am...
Building Public and Political Will for Climate Change Action
This article is originally published here. By Anthony Leiserowitz, Yale School of the Environment Global climate change is a “massive collective action problem.” While changes in individual behavior (for example, energy conservation) can help reduce emissions,...
Newday Impact Names Shireen Eddleblute Head of ESG Research, Portfolio Manager, and Chief Diversity Officer
Distinguished Diversity Equity and Inclusion Leader to Help Newday Impact Advance ESG Research and Portfolio Management Business SAN FRANCISCO — August 30th, 2021 — Newday Impact, a San Francisco-based asset management and financial technology company that brings...